Tuesday, 27 September 2016

3 reasons your large franchise should import and ship goods

When you run a large Franchise, shipping becomes a vital part of your business operations. It’s important to ensure you are shipping goods out quickly and securely and this can unfortunately prove to be really expensive!

Many large franchises are starting to see the benefits of importing and shipping goods. Below you’ll discover 3 reasons why you should consider doing the same.

  1. Cost savings

One of the main goals of any business is to save money and this becomes even more important when you’re shipping large volumes of goods out on a regular basis. Even when you take into account the shipping costs and import duties, it still often works out cheaper than sourcing the goods locally.

Of course, there are exceptions to this so you should compare different international couriers to find the best priced service. Companies such as Parcel2Go offer competitive international shipping, making it cost-effective to import goods to other European countries where your Franchise operates.

  1. Giving your franchise an edge over competitors

Importing goods can also give you an edge over your competitors. You can source products for your franchise that your competitors don’t even know about. Customers love unique goods so by offering products that your competitors don’t, you’ll build up your credibility and set yourself as a leader in your industry.

  1. Quality control

One thing your franchise constantly needs to ensure is that it is providing high quality goods. Importing materials and goods from other countries enables you to keep supplying the very best quality items.

For example, say you offer top quality sheds to your customers. Wood grown in different parts of the world offers a completely different quality to the type grown in the UK. So, to produce the highest quality sheds you’d want to be able to use the best quality wood. Importing it allows you to do this. It’s just one example, but you get the overall point.

Overall, importing can prove to be the most cost-effective way of providing quality goods as a franchise. The main thing you need to focus on when deciding to import, is choosing the best, most affordable courier. It’s also important to be aware of any importing restrictions that may apply and take into account the full cost of importing goods well in advance. The key to successfully importing and shipping goods is to prepare so you don’t face any unexpected last-minute charges.

from Finance Girl http://www.financegirl.co.uk/3-reasons-your-large-franchise-should-import-and-ship-goods/

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