Saturday 27 October 2018

5 Methods for De-Stressing After Work

Any job, whether in an office or not, can cause an immense amount of stress that can linger for days or even weeks. It’s important to recognize when you are falling victim to these stresses early on and learn some methods to help you de-stress when the workday is over and you can finally go home. From being sure to store all your confidential and important company data in a virtual data room to taking a moment to get outside and walk around—all methods are valid and can help you recover to take on the following day successfully.

Shut Everything Off

Once you’ve finally finished up for the day and are ready to head home you should make it a point to shut everything off, including your email notifications and possibly even your phone calls so that you have the proper amount of time to recover and de-stress. By forcing yourself to stay in front of a screen all day it will make you that much more exhausted and unable to properly rest for the remainder of the week. It’s also important to know when to say ‘no’ and decline any last minute requests to do extra work outside of your role. Everyone needs some time to recuperate and clear their minds of work so as to avoid burning themselves out.

Eat A Healthy Dinner

Ending the day with a healthy dinner is a great way to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients you need for your mental and physical health. Take a bit of time on the weekends to plan out your meals for the week so that you aren’t worrying about what you’ll eat last minute and be sure to add all the necessary foods to give you energy and mental clarity for the next day. This also applies to packing the right foods to snack on throughout the day when you are feeling a bit overwhelmed. Feeding yourself brain food will help with any confusion or mental fog you may experience when work begins to pick up.

Rid Yourself Of Stressful Reminders

The last thing you need when you are trying to rest and relax is unhealthy, stressful reminders of your work day or any work you still need to finish. Instead of letting your mind run through these tasks constantly make it a point to avoid them as much as possible during the times you have decided are for de-stressing. Try to not respond to any late night calls from coworkers about office business and rather than keeping all the day’s information on your mind, dump it out and lock it up in a secure virtual data room that you know will keep it safe and easy for you to access it when you need to.

Do Something You Love

The easiest way to relieve some workday stress is by shutting off for the day and doing something that you love rather than worrying about your foot-long to-do list. This could be as simple as just watching a movie or two to unwind at the end of the day or participating in a group activity at a local gym or community centre. Getting out of your work mindset is vital in becoming a balanced and well-rounded individual that is capable of handling whatever is thrown their way throughout the day. By doing what you love you will be able to better recognize the division between work and play.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise could be what someone loves to do, however others don’t find much enjoyment in it. Regardless, maintaining a regular workout schedule has proven to decrease stress levels as well as build a stronger body over all, especially for those who work in an VDR office environment and don’t move around much throughout the day. This exercise could be as simple as taking a walk around your neighbourhood once you get home from work or as intense as running for an hour on a treadmill to burn off some of the anxiety built up during a stressful day. It’s important to remember that by making your body stronger, your mind also becomes stronger and more capable of focusing and remaining productive during a busy work schedule.

from Finance Girl

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