Thursday 26 July 2018

Top money-making tips for millennials

There is no doubt that millennials are one of the more important groups within society. With a desire to not only work hard but also to help people and enjoy their lives, millennials have made quite an impact. If you count yourself as part of this generation, you may well be looking at how to make money but without the dull, run-of-the mill type of job of generations past.

If so, then the tips below should give you some great ways to make some extra cash!

Millennial money-making ideas

Any millennial will want to make their own money to enjoy life but may not want a standard job to do so. After all, how can you travel when you feel like it when you have to be at work at 9am every day? Check out the list below for tips on different ways to make money:

  • Stock trading a great way for any millennial to make money is by investing in stocks and shares. This is not only gives you total freedom to work when you like but also an intellectual buzz as you look into what shares to invest in or where the market might head next. Of course, it is also pretty good for making money – if you get it right! If you do decide on this, be sure to always get the latest trading analysis so you can make decisions based on the latest news and facts.
  • Casino sites many millennials love to play slot or table games at one of the many online casinos. If this applies to you, this is a simple and easily accessible way to make some cash. It is also fun and uses the latest technology, which is great for any millennial! Just be sure to gamble responsibly and always stop when it is not fun any more.
  • Freelance writer / blogger another great money-maker for any millennial is writing. You could opt to become a full-time freelance writer and write articles for other people. Alternatively, you could write your own blog and monetize that to generate income. Both can be done anywhere in the world, with just an internet connection and laptop, so are great for travel-loving millennials.
  • Video content marketing sharing video content on YouTube is a way in which millennials are making extra money. If you set up your own channel and post content that people find useful, you can make some serious cash on sponsorship or advertising space.
  • Rent your home out if you have your own place in a popular town or city, why not use a site such as Airbnb to make some money off it? Make sure that it is clean and tidy for when guests arrive, then sit back and watch the money roll in.

Lots of ways to make some extra cash

As you can see, there are many fabulous and quite simple ways for any millennial to make money. Even better – they all let you do it in a creative, unique way that doesn’t include working in an office, and lets you redefine the usual workplace rules. This kind of freedom is amazing and opens up life to be enjoyed to the full.


from Finance Girl

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